80,00 IVA incl.

2 disponibles


You, as the player, in this solitaire game, will step into the shoes of the USMC commander leading the invasion of Iwo Jima, a pivotal battle in World War II. The game system, driven by cards, will simulate the strategies of the Japanese defenders, often referred to as the Japanese AI, adding a layer of historical authenticity to your gaming experience.

Iwo Jima was the only island assault during the Pacific war that the attacking US forces would suffer worse casualties than the Japanese defenders.

On February 19, 1945 the USMC would land 30,000 marines on the island against a Japanese defensive force that numbered roughly 21,000 Japanese soldiers. Facing a Japanese commander who had learned valuable lessons from the losses on other Japanese islands, the USMC would eventually land over 70,000 marines and suffer over 25,000 casualties during the 36 day campaign.

If you have played Tarawa 1943 you will be familiar with the system. Key changes to Iwo Jima 1945 are as follows:

Iwo Jimas play deck is larger than Tarawas.
There are mountain positions on the island where the attacking USMC will roll 1 less attack dice.
The USMC player is allowed to play any number of the cards from their hand during their turn.
The other rules are almost all the same, and you can begin playing with just a brief read of them.

80,00 IVA incl.

2 disponibles

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